Thursday, 11 August 2011

Beware the Hormonal Woman!

My emotions have been all over the place today.  Actually scrap that - not just today, it's been all week.  I feel like a friggin pregnant lady, just without the baby!

I think it's my hormones & my cycles causing this horrid mood - PCOS has a lot to answer for, let me tell you!  I went to the docs today, to enquire about going back on the pill in an attempt to regulate my cycles and reduce my PMS symptoms, but the appointment didn't go very well.  Firstly, the doc was over 20 mins late in seeing me - and she is a doc who will not hesitate to chastise you for being 2 mins late for an appointment - and it meant I was already anxious cos it only left me 10 minutes to discuss options with her, get home, get changed for the gym and actually make it to zumba.  So, doc calls me in and I straight away say that cos she's so late I won't have time to stay very long and she doesn't even bother with an apology....or even seem to remember me from my previous appointments (of which I've had about a gazillion of them with her, and pretty recent too) or what's going on.

So I mention I'm there to discuss going on the pill, but it turns out cos I've had a few migraines over the years (and I do mean only a few - I get 1 about every 5 years or so) and they affect my vision, I'm not suitable for the combined pill as it increases my risk of having a it only leaves me with the progestogen-only pill, but that 1 doesn't actually help with my PMS symptoms or regulate my cycles (apparently, some women get no periods at all, but others actually have irregular bleeding - which is exactly what I already have and want to fix!).  So then she mentions the implant, but I'm not really keen on that idea either - I mean, apparently in theory my ovulation could come back faster than with the progestogen-only pill (not that they can actually confirm I'm ovulating at the moment anyway) but again it's not known to help with PMS symptoms (according to the leaflet, it can actually aggravate the symptoms I already suffer from) and I may have either no periods, irregular bleeding or extra heavy periods.

So it looks like I'm basically f***ed.  I came out of the appointment feeling so dejected, and also anxious/stressed at the fact I had no time to actually ask questions while I was in there & had to rush around to make it to my class.  And then burst into tears the minute I got home.

It also looks like I might be stuck with my current symptoms - and they suck.  It just feels like I spend half my time having PMS, but without knowing when I'll actually get my period.  I mean, I could go 3 months without 1 then get 2 in the space of 4's ridiculous!  And mood swings are not my friend, or anyone else's for that matter.  I feel like a ticking timebomb, where the slightest thing could set me off.

So I guess it's back to concentrating on losing weight - I've only weighed myself once since I got weighed at the docs in mid-July and I've not lost a single pound!  And that's been with doing Zumba at least twice a week (I now have it for the Wii as well as going to classes), swimming once a week and generally being more active.  And in fact when I was weighed at the docs, I had jeans & trainers on - whereas when I weighed myself more recently at home I just had shorts/t-shirt on (no shoes) so in all likelihood I've probably put on weight...

I'm thinking I should maybe look at alternative therapies - I didn't get on well the last time I tried Chinese medicine (the tea ingredients I had to brew stank to high heaven, and the acupuncture freaked me out) but I'm also not convinced by homeopathy.  Maybe I need to look into it more - I've seen a few research studies recently claiming placebos worked as well as any homeopathic treatments given and I must admit it's influenced my opinion....but then I seem to remember reading something similar about aromatherapy, and I know from my uni studies that it's all about numbers (you need heavy finances to actually fund a study with enough participants for the health authorities to actually recognise it as a legitimate thing).

Today has been really frustrating overall - no wonder depression is listed as a common symptom of PCOS, just having to deal with a hormonal rollercoaster on a daily basis does my head in!

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