Tuesday, 5 July 2011

The issue with fertility...

...is that you never even think about it until it becomes an issue.  And there are seemingly 2 extremes to the fertility scale - there are those who fall pregnant if someone so much as sneezes near them at 1 end, and there are those who do all the right things and yet never successfully conceive at the other.

If I'm honest, even though I've had moments throughout the last few years where I've wanted to get on board the baby train, my fertility has never come under scrutiny.  I told myself that it's unlikely to be a walk in the park, based on the experiences with my female relatives, but never thought until now that there might be a serious problem.  And yet, here I am, facing the possibility that I might have PCOS and other hormonal problems...
still hasn't really sunk in yet.  I don't have the official verdict from the doctor, but at my ultrasound yesterday I asked the technician a couple of things and she said that there was nothing "scary-looking" coming up on the screen, but that my ovaries do look "polycystic"...

Funny thing is I've had a feeling something was up for a while now, but until recently it felt like the doctors weren't taking it seriously.  Last year, when I first raised the issues I was having (with irregular cycles) all I was told was that it was "hormonal" and the only solution would be to go back on the pill...and when I questioned this particular doctor about my fertility etc all she said was that I was "still young enough" not to worry about it...although I have to wonder now if she had actually paid attention to my actual age or just took one look at my face and figured I was young (I do have a young-ish looking face - I still get ID'd for alcohol 9 times outta 10 and my colleagues tend to assume I'm at least 5-6 years younger than I am).  Ironically it was only when I was being admitted for a tonsillectomy that I realised there might be a serious problem, when all the nurses/doctors were asking questions (obviously they had to check I wasn't pregnant before they operated).

On the one hand, I'm pretty angry that it's taken until now for anyone to take my concerns seriously, and on the other I'm not sure how to feel if I get the actual diagnosis of PCOS.  I've read a lot of comments on the NHS website about the condition itself, and I do seem to have a lot of similar symptoms to the majority of posters.  The thing I find strange though, is that some of those posting are only 14 years old and they have already been diagnosed - makes me wonder how they could get a diagnosis so fast and so young, when it's taken me about 2 years of persistent pestering to get my GPs to look at it (and I'm in my 30s)...

I won't find out til next week at the earliest, and I guess I just have to take things 1 step at a time, but it has bummed me out a fair bit :(

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