Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Bring on the New Year...can't be any worse than this one!

I've not posted in a while - I must admit it was a bit of a shock to the system going back to uni after 4 months of doing Not Very Much!

I started off doing really well - I was organised, I had 100% attendance on all classes (even the ones that were a waste of time) and I'd started planning my coursework and case studies.  And then it just all went a bit wonky somehow...

I'm not even sure how I've ended up back here.  Certainly I'm not feeling as bad as I was a couple of years ago, but in a way I feel like I've taken a big step backwards, when I was trying to look forwards.  But my depression and anxiety symptoms have both reared their ugly heads again, and it's forced me to take a time out.  To be fair, I think I've had a bit of a crappy year looking back - I spent the first 4 months ill (flu, tonsilitis, ear infection, tinnitus) and had to have an op to remove my tonsils, lost my first ever cat (even 7 months later, I'm still grieving - I loved him so completely, more than I ever thought possible), was diagnosed with PCOS and told they can't tell if I'm even ovulating (so my fertility is questionable, at best), and somehow came to the realisation that I was raped when I was 19...those are the things that spring to mind when I look back on this year.  So it's fair to say that I can't wait to get it over with!